Exploring the Forbidden

Commision and Request Information: 

I've decided to open up for commissions and requests. Of course the commissions come out better than the requests do, amd they will most likely be done faster, but the requests still come out looking good. I work hard on both and try to get them done as quickly as possible.


I will draw just about anything, and I specialize in yaoi. Just no nude scenes. Also, I don't do anything with an elaborate backround. Commission prices will be negotiated and I am willing to make it affordable for the buyer.


As far as requests go, it will probably take a while to get them done. This is because I get so many. Again, I will draw just about anything, and I specialize in yaoi. Just no nude scenes. Most requests are drawn with no background.



I require references for both requests and commissions. ESPECIALLY COMMISSIONS!


If you have any questions, email me at: xxxakiryuuxxx@gmail.com

Please commission me! I could really use the money!


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