Exploring the Forbidden

Yet Another Extension 

Okay, so the current contest is for a new background for the site. Due to a lack of entries, the deadline has been extended to a further date. I'm not sure when the new deadline is, but I'll update the site as soon as I decide on one. The prizes have been updated. For more info, visit my Deviantart journal on the subject: http://dyrinda.deviantart.com/journal/34438647/

FREE Requests!!! 

Okay, so the reason that I'm doing free requests is because I want to fill up my gallery just a tad more. It bores me. I will draw almost anything. However, I won't do anything too complicated since these are only requests. I also do yaoi. Just no yuri or hentai. Don't be afraid to ask for a request! One more thing. I may not do a requset right away since I get busy from time to time. So, if you want a request, just drop a line and reference. You can also describe things to me if you don't have a reference.

Comments Back Up!

Yes, you can now leave comments on this site again. Only now, there are comment boxes on the comic pages, the artwork page, and the chapters page. So, please comment and leave feedback! 

Uh-oh...Bad news... 

So here's the thing, my comments page is down for some reason. I think the widget that I was using for it was deleted. So, from now on, if you want to leave a comment or contact me, you have to email me. Oh, and the cast of Exploring the Forbidden and I just want to wish all of you a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

 Japanese Club Needs Funding!

I'm asking if anyone will commission me for a low price. My club at school needs money, and the Board of Education has banned us from having bake sales. So, we need your help. Prices are negotiable and I will draw just about ANYTHING! Just no hentai or yuri. Please! We would really appreciate it. Thank You.

Okay, change of plans:

There's been a small change of plans. The deadline will be moved yet again to a later date. The date hasn't been decided on yet, but I've decided to move it because I don't have enough entries to choose from. It is way too hard to choose from only three entries. However, you can keep checking back here for the final date. Or you can follow the page on facebook. Just go to the home page of this site. Please, I need entries! Sorry for the inconvinience. Thank you!

 I am finally doing a contest! Mostly because I am bored. I'm calling the contest "Oppsite Day". Okay, this is how it works. The task is to draw my characters acting as the total opposite of their personalities. The characters that you can choose from are Akio, Ryuu, Masajun(Jun), Damien and Joseph(Akio's dad).

Akio: Very dark, goth, doesn't really like to be touched. Basically, don't come near him if you know what's good for you. He's almost always in a bad mood and almost always serious. In yaoi terms, he's a seme(dominant). He's also very aggressive.

Ryuu: Ryuu is the type that is made to be coddled. He's never really tough or outspoken. Almost always in a giid mood. Very caring, and considerate. In yaoi terms he is uke(not dominant). in other words, Ryuu is the sweet type that you'll wanna be around.

Masajun(Jun): Very strict, but not very loyal. This is Akio's assistant. He is strictly for hire. As soon as he isn't payed anymore, he stops working. Jun does just about anything that Akio asks him to. If there is anything that he isn't, it's laid back.

Damien: This guy doesn't really need a long explanation. Two words: devil's son...In other words, he loves to torture people.

Joseph: Well, all that I can say is...he's very religious. Akio scares him a little, but he still loves his son.

Ravirin and I will be the judges. The contest ends on 8/31/09. There will only be a first place winner. First place gets their deviation posted onto my website.

Entry: Simply post a comment on the comments page.
Submission: Send your art in an email. my email can be found on the artwork page. 


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