Exploring the Forbidden

This was my sort of "debut comic". The first real one that I ever made. The credit(almost all of it) has to go to my friend Ravirin. She has a Deviantart account. If you want to see her artwork, http://ravirin.deviantart.com/. Swing by there when you have a chance. She's really amazing. She did most of the artwork, and I came up with the idea.

In this comic, you really have to understand the relationship between Akio and Ryuu. Akio is Bi-sexual, leaning toward gay. Ryuu is completely straight. However, Ryuu is forced into it(he seems to be leaning toward bi-sexual...). Whenever Ryuu claims he's bored, or he's not doing anything, if Akio is in the mood,(He usually is) he'll want to get busy with Ryuu. The stuff he's into is usually detremental to Ryuu's physical state. For example, not being able to walk for weeks. Anyway, in this comic, Ryuu makes the mistake of saying that he is bored. Akio somehow hears this and comes rushing into Ryuu's room. He then carries Ryuu off into his room. Ryuu struggles and struggles, but it's no use. Akio is too strong for him. Akio throws Ryuu down and tells himt o get on the bed. Ryuu listens, knowing that he couldn't possibly get his own way. He then tries to change the subject and attracts attention to Akio's tail. Akio quickly sees through this and answers Ryuu's question. He takes off his shirt and corners Ryuu on the bed. One thing leads to another and...well...you can imagine from there on... 

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