Exploring the Forbidden

 Akio Malichai Yamada

age 19
parents: Keiko and Joseph
occupation: assasin
bio: Akio was normal up until he was about seven years old. Tha's when his life took a turn for the worst. One night, he killed his mother. This lead his father to move away and leave him with a caretaker. the caretaker wasn't a very good one, in turn causing Akio's mental state to decay. When he was around fifteen, he was taken to a mental institution in Germany, where he wasn't treated very well either. Upon arriving back in Japan, he was worse than ever and now psychopathic. Being psychopathic eliminated all emotions and made him a perfect fit for being an assasin.

Ryuu Fukao

parents: N/A
occupation: N/A
bio: Ryuu was born into a family that was well off. As a child, he was very sheltered and almost never allowed outside of the house without supervision. When he was 17, he was kidnapped. His parents were killed in front of him and his house was burned down. The people who did this to him got the information that they needed and called Akio in to murder Ryuu. Luckily for Ryuu, Akio decided to spare his life and allow Ryuu to stay with him.

 Damien Blaire

age: N/A
parents: N/A
occupation: N/A
bio: N/A

 Masajun Saito

age: 35
parents: N/A
occupation: assistant
bio: N/A
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